Product CodeDescription
A-DIN-T201 T Line DIN rail mounting clip
A-DIR-10-869Base station antenna, Directional , 869 MHz, 10 elements
A-DIR-6-869Base station antenna, Directional , 869 MHz, 6 elements
A-GPSExternal GPS antenna - magnetic mount (for MY2G)
A-GSMDual band swing GSM external antenna, cable 3,2 m, SMA
A-GSM-DIR-5MGSM/UMTS triband Directive Antenna, cable 5 m, SMA
A-GSM-OMNIDIRGSM-UMTS-WIFI Omnidirectional Antenna
A-GSM-QUADHigh performance Quadband GSM Antenna
ANT-LINK1-MGZ-LINK1 external dual band antenna
A-STILM-RTU GSM stilo antenna
BATTHPLithium battery pack, 14.4V, 18,5 Ah for M-RTU
BATT-S3-cell battery pack, 11,1 V - 14,5 Ah for M-RTU
BOX-1000-008-10Voltage divider 1000 Vdc - 10 V / 80 mV
BOX-1000-01-10Voltage divider 1000 Vdc - 10 V / 100 mV
CASS01M-RTU external case
CODESYSCoDeSys Development Environment
DL169-RS232Simple/Half-duplex 169,4 MHz OEM Radiomodem, RS232
DL169-RS485Simple/Half-duplex 169,4 MHz OEM Radiomodem, RS485
DL-COUNTIP65 pulse input datalogger 
DL-mAIP65 mA input datalogger
DL-mVIP65 mV input datalogger
DL-VIP65 V input datalogger
DR-22-CH Data Recorder, acquisition and visualization software for Modbus I/O modules
DR-44-CH Data Recorder, acquisition and visualization software for Modbus I/O modules
DR-88-CH Data Recorder, acquisition and visualization software for Modbus I/O modules
DR-1616-CH Data Recorder, acquisition and visualization software for Modbus I/O modules
DR-3232-CH Data Recorder, acquisition and visualization software for Modbus I/O modules
DR-6464-CH Data Recorder, acquisition and visualization software for Modbus I/O modules
DR-2-PLUS2-CH Data Recorder + package "plus" (alarms, math, report, multi-client)
DR-4-PLUS4-CH Data Recorder + package "plus" (alarms, math, report, multi-client)
DR-8-PLUS8-CH Data Recorder + package "plus" (alarms, math, report, multi-client)
DR-16-PLUS16-CH Data Recorder + package "plus" (alarms, math, report, multi-client)
DR-32-PLUS32-CH Data Recorder + package "plus" (alarms, math, report, multi-client)
DR-64-PLUS64-CH Data Recorder + package "plus" (alarms, math, report, multi-client)
D-USBUSB Drivers (S107USB, K107USB, EASY USB, S117P1) 
DVD-ZTWS4-ODEZ-TWS4 DVD, linux open source platform
E2002-2-MBackboard power meter with LCD display, accuracy class 0,5/1, power supply 115/230 Vac 50/60 Hz
E2002-3-MBackboard power meter with LCD display, accuracy class 0,5/1, power supply 12/24/48/110 Vdc  RS485 isolated
E2002-4-MBackboard power meter with LCD display, accuracy class 0,5/1, power supply 24 Vac 50/60 Hz
E742002-2Panel board power meter, LCD display, accuracy class 0,5/1, power supply 115/230 Vac
E92002-2Panel board power meter, LCD display, accuracy class 0,5/1, power supply 115/230 Vac
E92002-3Panel board power meter, LCD display, accuracy class 0,5/1, power supply 24 Vac
E92002-4Panel board power meter, LCD display, accuracy class 0,5/1, power supply 24 Vac
EASY LOG VIEWERData acquisition and trend software for MY2, Z-GPRS2, Z-LOGGER
EASY LPPlug&play software suite for Seneca loop powered instruments (K120RTD, K121, T120, T121)
EASY MYALARMMYALARM GSM software configurator
EASY MYALARM2MYALARM2 software configurator
EASY RELAYRelay interface, SPDT 250 Vac, 3A
EASY SETUPComplete plug&play Seneca software suite (Z-D-IN, Z-D-OUT, Z-10-D-IN, Z-10-D-OUT, Z-D-IO, Z-4AI, Z-8AI, Z-3AO, Z-4TC, Z-8TC, Z-4RTD2, Z-DAQ, Z-PID, Z-SG, S203T, S203TA, Z203, Z203-1, Z-DAQ-PID, ZC-24DI, ZC-24DO, ZC-16DI-8DO, S311A, S311D, S312, S401,  ZC-SG, ZC-8AI, ZC-8TC, ZC-4RTD, ZC-3AO, T120, T121, K120RTD, K121, K111, Z109REG2, Z109UI2, Z109TC2, Z109RTD2, Z170REG, MYALARM GSM, Z-GPRS)
EDSI/O CANopen modules EDS file collection
FD01Photodetector for pulse counting
-FLFront panel support for  LCD display, accuracy class 0,5/1 network analyzer
FLEX-DINDIN rail guide support for T120 / T121
 -GSMGSM modem board for Z-RTU
HD67651Convertitore Modbus Master/Profibus dp slave
IECZ-TWS4 energy protocols license (IEC 60870, IEC 61850) 
K107ARS485/RS485 serial repeater isolator
K107BRS232/RS485 serial converter isolator
K107USBRS485/USB serial converter isolator
K109LVCurrent shunt / V-I converter isolator
K109PTPt100 to DC current / voltage isolator converter
K109PT1000Pt1000 to DC current / voltage isolator converter
K109PT-HPCPt100 to DC current / voltage isolator converter (high precision)
K109SDC current / voltage to current / voltage isolator converter (2 wire power transducer)
K109TCTC to DC current / voltage isolator converter with settable threshold
K109UIDC current / voltage to current / voltage isolator converter
K111Isolated dual output frequency trip amplifier
K111-CIsolated dual output frequency trip amplifier, configured version
K112Universal digital coupler/isolator
K120RTDPt100, Ni100 to DC current converter (loop powered)
K120RTD-CPt100, Ni100 to DC current converter (loop powered), configured version
K121Loop powered isolator / universal converter (mA, V, Ohm, RTD, TC)
K121-CLoop powered isolator / universal converter (mA, V, Ohm, RTD, TC), configured version
K-BUSExpandable power supply connector
K-SUPPLYRedundant power supply module for K-Line modules
KIT-USBProgramming toolkit for USB interface instruments: ZE-2AI, ZE-2AI-2DO-4DI, Z-2AI-2DO-4DI, Z-LOGGER, Z-BRIDGE2, Z-GATEWAY, S203TA-D, S230RC-D, Z-GPRS2
LS-CSENECA libraries - CoDeSys 
LS-ISENECA libraries - Isagraf
LS-VISENECA libraries - LabVIEW Driver VI
MOV-ALR-DISPMovicon 11 OEM, dispatcher option
MOV-OP11-DLMovicon 11 OEM, datalogger option
MOV-RT11-128-HMovicon 11 OEM, 128 byte RT
MOV-RT11-512-HMovicon 11 OEM, 512 byte RT
M-RTU-1Micro RTU, standard version, 4 DI, 2 AI, 2 DO, removable clamps
M-RTU-2Micro RTU, standard version, 4 DI, 2 AI, 2 DO, ring connectors
M-RTU-GPMicro RTU, general purpose version (M-RTU-1 + GSM external antenna+battery package+cable+DIN rail connector)
M-RTU-PCMicro RTU, cathodic protection version (M-RTU-2 + GSM external antenna+battery package+cable+DIN rail connector)
M-RTU-WBM-RTU Workbench
MY-0MYALARM GSM, GSM remote control unit  
MY2B-0-0-M-BMyAlarm2, base / datalogger, clamp, blu color case
MY2B-0-0-M-GMyAlarm2, base / datalogger, clamp, grey color case
MY2B-R-0-M-BMyAlarm2, standard / datalogger, relay board, clamps, blu color case
MY2B-R-0-M-GMyAlarm2, standard / datalogger, relay board, clamps, grey color case
MY2B-0-0-M-B-IP66MyAlarm2, base / datalogger, clamps, blu color IP66 case
MY2B-0-0-M-G-IP66MyAlarm2, base / datalogger, clamps, grey color IP66 case
MY2B-R-0-M-B-IP66MyAlarm2, base / datalogger, relay board, clamps, blu color IP66 case
MY2B-R-0-M-G-IP66MyAlarm2, base / datalogger, relay board, morsetti, grey color IP66 case
MY2S-0-0-M-BMyAlarm2, security audio, SD card, clamps, blue color case
MY2S-0-0-M-GMyAlarm2, security audio, SD card, clamps, grey color case
MY2S-R-0-M-BMyAlarm2, security audio, SD card,  relay board, clamps, blue color case
MY2S-R-0-M-GMyAlarm2, security audio, SD card, relay board, clamps, grey color case
MY2S-R-W-M-BMyAlarm2, security audio, SD card, relay board, radio module, clamps, blu color case
MY2S-R-W-M-GMyAlarm2, security audio, SD card, relay board, radio module, clamps, grey color case
MY2S-0-0-M-B-IP66MyAlarm2, security audio, SD card, clamps, blu color IP66 case
MY2S-0-0-M-G-IP66MyAlarm2, security audio, SD card, clamps, grey color IP66 case
MY2S-R-0-M-B-IP66MyAlarm2, security audio, SD card, relay board, clamps, blu color IP66 case
MY2S-R-0-M-G-IP66MyAlarm2, security audio, SD card, relay board, clamps, grey color IP66 case
MY2S-R-W-M-B-IP66MyAlarm2, security audio, SD card, relay board, modulo radio, clamps, blu color IP66 case
MY2S-R-W-M-G-IP66MyAlarm2, security audio, SD card, relay board, modulo radio, clamps, grey color IP66 case
MY2G-0-0-M-BMyAlarm2, GPS version, SD card, clamps, blue color case
MY2G-0-0-M-GMyAlarm2, GPS version, SD card, clamps, grey color case
MY2G-R-0-M-BMyAlarm2, GPS version, SD card, relay board, clamps, blue color case
MY2G-R-0-M-GMyAlarm2, GPS version, SD card, relay board, clamps, grey color case
MY2G-R-W-M-BMyAlarm2, GPS version, SD card, relay board, radio module, clamps, blu color case
MY2G-R-W-M-GMyAlarm2, GPS version, SD card, relay board, radio module, clamps, grey color case
MY2G-0-0-M-B-IP66MyAlarm2, GPS version, SD card, clamps, blu color IP66 case
MY2G-0-0-M-G-IP66MyAlarm2, GPS version, SD card, clamps, grey color IP66 case
MY2G-R-0-M-B-IP66MyAlarm2, GPS version, SD card, relay board, morsetti, cblu color IP66 case
MY2G-R-0-M-G-IP66MyAlarm2, GPS version, SD card, relay board, morsetti, grey color IP66 case
MY2G-R-W-M-B-IP66MyAlarm2, GPS version, SD card, relay board, radio module, clamps, blue color IP66 case
MY2G-R-W-M-G-IP66MyAlarm2, GPS version, SD card, relay board, radio module, clamps, grey color IP66 case
OCXActiveX control for visualizing 
OPC-SERVER I/O-1OPC Server I/O 100 tag
OPC-SERVER I/O-2OPC Server I/O 500 tag
OPC-SERVER I/O-3OPC Server I/O unlimited tag
OPC-SERVER MB-1OPC Server ModBUS Slave 100 tag
OPC-SERVER MB-2OPC Server ModBUS Slave 500 tag
OPC-SERVER MB-3OPC Server ModBUS Slave unlimited tag
OPC-SERVER-DOPC Server demo (30')
PM001420RS232 serial cable (RJ10 / DB9F)
PM001430Modem communication cable (RJ10 / DB25M )
PM001440Modem - operator panel communication - cable (RJ10 / DB25M )
PM001450Right angle Ethernet cable (RJ45 / RJ45)
PM001460Crossover Ethenet cable (RJ45 / RJ45)
PM001530Modem serial cable (RJ10 / DB9M)
PM001601Programming serial cable (Jack / DB9F)
PM001810Operatore Panel programming cable (DB15F / DB9F)
PM001820Operator Panel communication cable (DB15F / RJ10)
PM001830ZTOP O.P. communication cable (DB15F / DB9M)
PM001840ZTOP O.P. communication cable(DB15F / bolt heads)
PM001970RS232 serial cable for K107B (Bolt heads / DB9F)
PM002240Z109REG2 / Test-3 programming cable (Jack / Jack)
PM002341Tp-Wire cable for Z-PROFIBUS (Tp-wire / Tp-wire)
PM002350RS485 serial cable per radiomodem (DB9M / bolt heads)
PM002390RS232 connection cable for M-RTU (DB9F-CFV10)
PM002412T120 / K120RTD programming cable (RJ10 / AMP MODU II 4 F)
PM002460RS485 Tp-wire serial cable (Tp-wire / bolt heads)
PM002470Serial cable (RJ10 / RJ10)
PM002480RS485 serial cable for S301 indicator (RJ10/3 bolt heads)
PM002490RS232 straight serial cable (DB9M / DB9F)
PM002500RS232 null modem seial cable (DB9M / DB9F)
PM002510RS485 serial cable (DB9F / Bolt heads)
PM002520RS232 serial cable (DB9M / DB9M)
PM002530RS232 serial cable (DB9F / DB9F)
PM004200Serial communication cable (RJ10/ 4 bolt heads)
POZZ-100100 mm length thermowell 
POZZ-150150 mm length thermowell 
POZZ-200200 mm length thermowell 
POZZ-5050 mm length thermowell 
 -PSTNZ-RTU PSTN modem board
PT100-100Standard Pt100 thermoprobe, 100 mm lenght
PT100-100-MAStandard Pt100 thermoprobe, 100 mm lenght, 4-20 mA output
PT100-150Standard Pt100 thermoprobe, 150 mm lenght
PT100-150-MAStandard Pt100 thermoprobe, 150 mm lenght, 4-20 mA output
PT100-200Standard Pt100 thermoprobe, 200 mm lenght
PT100-200-MAStandard Pt100 thermoprobe, 200 mm lenght, 4-20 mA output
PT100-50Standard Pt100 thermoprobe, 50 mm lenght
PT100-50-MAStandard Pt100 thermoprobe, 50 mm lenght, 4-20 mA output
PT100-AAir temperature Pt100
PT100-A-MAAir temperature  Pt100 Standard Pt100 thermoprobe, 100 mm lenght
PT100-SOLAREPt100 3 wire, photovoltaic application
PT100-SOLARE-MAPt100 3 wire, photovoltaic application, 4-20 mA output
RC-V400-100Rogowski Coil, 100 kA 50-60 Hz, Ø 400 mm, cable 2,5 m
S100S-1-STCurrent loop dual power supply, power supply 115 / 230 Vac
S100S-3-STCurrent loop dual power supply, power supply 24 Vac
S102-1-STPotentiometer to DC isolator / converter, power supply 115 / 230 Vac
S104-1-STDC to frequency isolator - converter, power supply 115 / 230 Vac
S105CS1-BAC single phase voltage control relay, self powered
S105CS1-CAC single phase voltage control relay, self powered, SPDT output
S105TCS-1AC 3-phase voltage control relay, 380 V
S105TCS-2AC 3-phase voltage control relay, 230 V
S105TCS-3AC 3-phase voltage control relay, 400 V
S107PRS232 - RS485/422 serial converter, portable version
S107USBRS485/USB serial converter, portable version
S108AC amperometer protection, power supply 115 / 230 Vac
S109PT-1-STPt100 to DC isolator - converter, power supply 115 / 230 Vac
S109REG-1-STPower supply - V-I converter with galvanic isolation, 115 / 230 Vac
S109REG-1-X7Power supply - V-I converter with galvanic isolation, input range up to 200 Vdc
S109S-1-ST4-20 mA loop power supply with galvanic isolation, power supply 115 / 230 Vac
S111-1-STFrequency to DC isolator - converter, power supply 115 / 230 Vac
S112A-1-STOn/Off sensor digital amplifier, 1 relay output, power supply 115 / 230 Vac
S112D-1-STOn/off sensor amplifier, 2 relay output, power supply 115 / 230 Vac
S112M-1-STOn-Off sensor amplifier, 5 SPST relay output, power supply 115 / 230 Vac
S112M-23-STOn-Off sensor amplifier, 5 SPST relay output, power supply 24 Vac / dc
S113S-1-STDC current / voltage single alarm trip module, power supply 115 / 230 Vac
S113T-1-STDC current - voltage triple alarm trip module, power supply 115 / 230 Vac
S117P1RS232/USB, TTL/USB, RS485/USB asynchronous serial converter
S170-1-STDC duplicator - isolator, power supply 115 / 230 Vac
S2000-1-STFlow computer, power supply 115 / 230 Vac
S2000-23-STFlow computer, power supply 24 Vac / dc
S200-1-STDual stabilized power supply, power supply 115 / 230 Vac
S200D-1-STDigital indicator 3 1/2 digit, power supply 115 / 230 Vac
S200DP-1-STDigital indicator 3 1/2 digit, 115/230 Vac, settable setpoint, power supply 115 / 230 Vac
S200GPower supply mA signal generator, 115 / 230 Vac
S200REG-16Adjustable stabilized power supply, 14-18 Vdc / 0,5 A max
S200REG-24Adjustable stabilized power supply, 22-26 Vdc / 0,35 A max
S201D-1-STDigital indicator 3 1/2 digit, 230 Vac
S201DP-1-STDigital indicator 3 1/2 digit, 230 Vac, settable setpoint
S203RC-DThree-phase Network Analyzer for Rogowski’s sensor
S203TAC triple phase network analyzer, 100 mA input
S203TAAC triple-phase network analyzer (5 Arms max input)
S203TA-DAC three phase network analyzer with energy meter
S20ADPInput adapter board self-powered for S20N, S21, S30
S20ADP-CMSelf-powered input adapter board for S20N, S21, S30
S20ADP-CM-SAdapter module for sinusoidal sensor input
S20ADP-IP65IP65 self-powered input adapter board
S20N-1-STBasic batch controller, power supply 115 / 230 Vac
S20N-23-STBasic batch controller, power supply 24 Vac / dc
S20NEX-1-STBasic batch controller, Eexd case, power supply 115 / 230 Vac
S20NEX-23-STBasic batch controller, Eexd case, power supply 24 Vac / dc
S20NIP65-1-STBasic batch controller, IP65 case, power supply 115 / 230 Vac
S20NIP65-23-STBasic batch controller, IP65 case, power supply 24 Vac / dc
S20N-KIT-1-STS20N remote board, power supply 115 / 230 Vac
S20N-KIT-23-STS20N remote board, power supply 24 Vac / dc
S21-1-STBatch controller clock based, power supply 115-230 Vac
S21-23-STBatch controller clock based, power supply 24 Vac / dc
S21EX-1-STBatch controller clock based,  Eexd case, power supply 115 / 230 Vac
S21EX-23-STBatch controller clock based,  Eexd case, power supply 24 Vac / dc
S21IP65-1-STBatch controller clock based,  IP65 case, power supply 115 / 230 Vac
S21IP65-23-STBatch controller clock based,  IP65 case, power supply 24 Vac / dc
S232-DLMultidrop fiber optic - RS232 double loop converter
S232-SLMultidrop Fiber optic - RS232 single loop converter
S301-1-R4-digit indicator, universal input, re-transmitted output, power supply 115 / 230 Vac
S301-1-R-AOC-S4-digit indicator, universal input, re-transmitted output, power supply  115 / 230 Vac,  4 open collector alarms, RS232/RS485 interface
S301-1-R-AR-S4-digit indicator, universal input, re-transmitted output, power supply  115 / 230 Vac,  4 SPDT alarms, RS232/RS485 interface
S301-23-R4-digit indicator, universal input, re-transmitted output, power supply 24 Vac/dc
S301-23-R -AOC-S4-digit indicator, universal input, re-transmitted output, power supply 24 Vac/dc, 4 open collector alarms, RS232/RS485
S301-23-R -AR-S4-digit indicator, universal input, re-transmitted output, power supply 24 Vac/dc, 3 SPDT alarms, RS232/RS485
S301B-1-R4 digit indicator with bargraph, universal input, re-transmitted output, power supply 115 / 230 Vac
S301B-1-R-AOC-S4 digit indicator with bargraph, universal input, re-transmitted output, power supply 115 / 230 Vac, 4 open collector alarms, RS232/RS485 interface
S301B-1-R-AR-S4 digit indicator with bargraph, universal input, re-transmitted output, power supply 115 / 230 Vac, 3 SPDT alarms, RS232/RS485 interface
S301B-23-R4 digit indicator with bargraph, universal input, re-transmitted output, power supply 24 Vac/dc
S301B-23-R -AOC-S4 digit indicator with bargraph, universal input, re-transmitted output, power supply 24 Vac/dc, 4 open collector alarms, RS232/RS485 interface
S301B-23-R -AR-S4 digit indicator with bargraph, universal input, re-transmitted output, power supply 24 Vac/dc, 3 SPDT alarms, RS232/RS485 interface
S30-1-STAdvanced functions batch controller, power supply 115 / 230 Vac
S30-23-STAdvanced functions batch controller, power supply 24 Vac / dc
S30IP65-1-ST Advanced functions batch controller, IP65 case, power supply 115 / 230 Vac
S30IP65-23-ST Advanced functions batch controller, IP65 case, power supply 24 Vac / dc
S30-STAMPS30 printer board
S310-1-ST3 ½ digit indicator, V / I input, power supply 115 / 230 Vac
S311A-11-HUniversal analog input indicator - totalizer, power supply 80-265 Vac, 11-digit display
S311A-11-H-OUniversal analog input indicator - totalizer, power supply 80-265 Vac, 11 digit, optional board
S311A-11-LUniversal analog input indicator - totalizer, power supply 10-40 Vdc / 19-28 Vac, 11-digit display
S311A-11-L-OUniversal analog input indicator - totalizer, power supply 10-40 Vdc / 19-28 Vac, 11-digit display, optional board
S311A-4-HUniversal analog input indicator - totalizer, power supply 80-265 Vac, 4-digit display
S311A-4-H-OUniversal analog input indicator - totalizer, power supply 80-265 Vac, 4-digit display, optional board
S311A-4-LUniversal analog input indicator - totalizer, power supply 10-40 Vdc / 19-28 Vac, 4-digit display
S311A-4-L-OUniversal analog input indicator - totalizer, power supply 10-40 Vdc / 19-28 Vac, 4-digit display, optional board
S311A-6-HUniversal analog input indicator - totalizer, power supply 80-265 Vac, 6-digit display
S311A-6-H-OUniversal analog input indicator - totalizer, power supply 80-265 Vac, 6-digit display, optional board
S311A-6-LUniversal analog input indicator - totalizer, power supply 10-40 Vdc / 19-28 Vac, 6-digit display
S311A-6-L-OUniversal analog input indicator - totalizer, power supply 10-40 Vdc / 19-28 Vac, 6-digit display, optional board
S311A-8-HUniversal analog input indicator - totalizer, power supply 80-265 Vac, 8-digit display
S311A-8-H-OUniversal analog input indicator - totalizer, power supply 80-265 Vac,  8-digit display, optional board
S311A-8-LUniversal analog input indicator - totalizer, power supply 10-40 Vdc / 19-28 Vac, 8-digit display
S311A-8-L-OUniversal analog input indicator - totalizer, power supply 10-40 Vdc / 19-28 Vac,  8-digit display, optional board
S311AK-4-L4 digit display with I/V analog input, power supply 10-40 Vdc, 19-28 Vac
S311AK-4-L-IP664 digit display with I/V analog input, power supply10-40 Vdc, 19-28 Vac,with IP66 case (130x80x60 mm)
S311AK-4-L-IP66D4 digit display with I/V analog input, power supply 10-40 Vdc, 19-28 Vac, with double instrument and IP66 case
S311D-11-HFrequency / digital input indicator - totalizer, power supply 80-265 Vac, 11-digit display
S311D-11-H-OFrequency / digital input indicator - totalizer, power supply 80-265 Vac, 11-digit display, optional board
S311D-11-LFrequency / digital input indicator - totalizer, power supply 10-40 Vdc / 19-28 Vac, 11-digit display
S311D-11-L-OFrequency / digital input indicator - totalizer, power supply 10-40 Vdc / 19-28 Vac, 11-digit display, optional board
S311D-4-HFrequency / digital input indicator - totalizer, power supply 80-265 Vac, 4-digit display
S311D-4-H-OFrequency / digital input indicator - totalizer, power supply 80-265 Vac, 4-digit display, optional board
S311D-4-LFrequency / digital input indicator - totalizer, power supply 10-40 Vdc / 19-28 Vac, 4-digit display
S311D-4-L-OFrequency / digital input indicator - totalizer, power supply 10-40 Vdc / 19-28 Vac, 4-digit display, optional board
S311D-6-HFrequency / digital input indicator - totalizer, power supply 80-265 Vac, 6-digit display
S311D-6-H-OFrequency / digital input indicator - totalizer, power supply 80-265 Vac, 6-digit display, optional board
S311D-6-LFrequency / digital input indicator - totalizer, power supply 10-40 Vdc / 19-28 Vac, 6-digit display
S311D-6-L-OFrequency / digital input indicator - totalizer, power supply 10-40 Vdc / 19-28 Vac, 6-digit display, optional board
S311D-8-HFrequency / digital input indicator - totalizer, power supply 80-265 Vac, 8-digit display
S311D-8-H-OFrequency / digital input indicator - totalizer, power supply 80-265 Vac, 8-digit display, optional board
S311D-8-LFrequency / digital input indicator - totalizer, power supply 10-40 Vdc / 19-28 Vac, 8-digit display
S311D-8-L-OFrequency / digital input indicator - totalizer, power supply 10-40 Vdc / 19-28 , 8-digit display, optional board
S311OPZS311A / S311D optional board with RS485 Modbus interface, 2-CH alarm relay, 1-CH digital input
S312A-4-H-4RAnalog Indicator 4-Digits Display with 4 relay outputs, power supply 85-265 Vac
S312A-4-L-4RAnalog Indicator 4-Digits Display with 4 relay outputs, power supply 10-40 Vdc, 19-28 Vac
S3154 digit loop powered display with 4-20 mA input signal
S315-IP664 digit loop powered display with 4-20 mA input signal and IP66 case
S315-IP66D4 digit loop powered display with 4-20 mA input signal and IP66 case (x2)
S320A-1-ST3 ½ digit indicator, V / I input, 2 relay alarms, 96x96 mm, power supply 115 / 230 Vac
S320A-1-ST-R3 ½ digit indicator, V / I input, 2 relay alarms, 96x96 mm, power supply 115 / 230 Vac, re-transmitted output
S320A-23-ST3 ½ digit indicator, V / I input, 2 relay alarms, 96x96 mm, power supply 24 Vac/dc
S320A-23-ST-R3 ½ digit indicator, V / I input, 2 relay alarms, 96x96 mm, power supply 24 Vac/dc, re-transmitted output
S400CL4-20 mA current loop protection
S400HV230 Vac power line protection
S400LV35 V power line protection
S401-LModBUS RTU indicator with OLED 2,7" display, power supply 10-40 Vdc / 19-28 Vac
S485-DLMultidrop fiber optic - RS485 double loop converter
S485-SLMultidrop fiber optic - RS485 single loop converter
S50-1-STCurrent loop power supply 115 / 230 Vac
S50-3-STCurrent loop power supply 24 Vac
S6000-1-STPump controller, power supply 115 /230 Vac
S6000-23-STPump controller, power supply  24 Vac/dc
S-DINM-RTU DIN rail clip mounting
SENECA PACKAGEZ-NET software suite
SG-EQ4Equalization and connection circuit up to 4 load cell in parallel
SG-EQ4-BOXPG7Equalization and connection circuit up to 4 load cell in parallel + IP66 box including mm diamter cable glands 7 and 2 hole covers
SG-EQ4-BOXPG7-05CEqualization and connection circuit up to 4 load cell in parallel + IP66 box including mm diamter cable glands 7 and 2 hole coversi + 5 meter shielded cable
SG-EQ4-BOXPG7-15CEqualization and connection circuit up to 4 load cell in parallel + IP66 box including mm diamter cable glands 7 and 2 hole coversi + 15 meter shielded cable
SOFT2000DOSS2000 DOS configuration software
SOFT2000WINS2000 Windows configuration software
SOFT6000S6000 software configuration
SOFT-EDUCLogger Manager, re-educator software
SOFT-OTLMLogger Manager, standard software
SOFTS6000S6000 programming software
S-TOOLConfiguration toolkit including Z-PROG + Z-SETUP+Z-SETUP2 + Z-4XX-D libraries+ Soft2000 DOS + Soft2000WIN + PM001601 cable
STRATON-IDE256256 tag Straton development environment USB activation key
STRATON-IEC-EMEnergy management protocols (IEC 60870, IEC 61850) Straton license
 -TCalibration service for S311 Line indicators - totalizers
T1202 wire loop powered transmitter for Pt100 and Ni100 probes
T120-C2 wire loop powered transmitter for Pt100 and Ni100 probes, configured version
T121Isolated loop powered temperature transmitter
T121-CIsolated loop powered temperature transmitter, configured version
T201AC Current Transducer to DC current (4..20 mA - loop powered)
T201DCDC Current Transducer to DC current (4..20 mA - loop powered) - patented technology
T201DC100Passive current transducer 100 Adc for 4..20 mA current loop
T201DCHAC/DC contactless TRMS direct and alternate current transducer
T201DCH100AC/DC contactless TRMS direct and alternate current (± 100 A) transducer, Hall Effect
T201DCH300AC/DC contactless TRMS direct and alternate current (± 300 A) transducer, Hall Effect
TA100High precision Current Transformer for S203T (f.s.100A)
TA15High precision Current Transformer for S203T (f.s. 15 A)
TA25High precision Current Transformer for S203T (f.s.25A)
TEST-3Voltage / Current simulator meter (handheld)
TEST-3-PKTest-3 Precision Kit
TEST-3-TTest-3 Calibration Certificate
TREND VIEWERHistorical trend viewer package integrated in Data Recorder
UNICONTROL0164 tag Isagraf toolkit with Seneca libraries
UNICONTROL02256 tag Isagraf toolkit with Seneca libraries
UniOP DesignerZTOP panel operators programming software
WS-CONTACTAnti-intrusion wireless sensor, alarm, battery temperature monitoring
WS-WATERFlood wireless sensor, alarm, battery temperature monitoring
Z102Potentiometric to DC isolator / converter
Z104DC to frequency isolator / converter
Z107DIN rail RS232 - RS485/RS422 serial converter
Z107EEthernet 10/100 MB - RS232/RS485 Adapter
Z107E2Ethernet - RS485 adapter
Z107FOFiber Optic to serial (RS232/RS485 Modbus) converter
Z109PT2RTD to DC current / voltage isolator converter
Z109REGAnalog universal converter with galvanic isolation
Z109REG-BPAnalog universal converter with bipolar output and galvanic isolation
Z109REG2High performance universal converter with digital contacts, power supply 10-40 Vdc, 19-28 Vac
Z109REG2-ERHigh performance universal converter with digital contacts, power supply 10-40 Vdc, 19-28 Vac, square root extraction
Z109REG2-HHigh performance universal converter with digital contacts, power supply 85-265 V
Z109REG2-H-ERHigh performance universal converter with digital contacts, power supply 85-265 V, square root extraction
Z109REG-ERAnalog universal converter with galvanic isolation and square root extraction
Z109SDC current loop isolator
Z109S-DIWide range current loop isolator
Z109TCThermocouple to DC isolator / converter
Z109UI2DC current / voltage converter
Z-10-D-IN10-CH Digital Input module / RS485 - ModBUS
Z-10-D-OUT10-CH Digital Output module / RS485 - ModBUS
Z110DDC current isolator (self-powered) double channel
Z110SDC current isolator (self-powered) single channel
Z111Frequency to DC isolator / converter
Z112AOn/Off sensors digital amplifier, single channel
Z112DOn/Off sensors amplifier, double channel
Z113-1DC current / voltage, double alarm trip module with universal input and relay output
Z113DDC current / voltage, double alarm trip module
Z113SDC current / voltage single alarm trip module
Z113TDC current / voltage triple alarm trip module
Z170REGDC duplicator / isolator with universal input and 2 output
Z190DC adder - subtracter / isolator
Z201AC current to DC isolator / converter, power supply 10-40 Vdc, 19-28 Vac
Z201-HAC current to DC isolator / converter, 85..265 Vac/dc
Z202AC voltage to DC isolator converter (9..40 Vdc / 19..28 Vac)
Z202-HAC voltage to DC isolator / converter, 85-265 Vac/dc
Z202-LPAC / DC voltage to DC isolator / converter, loop powered
Z203-1AC single phase advanced network analyzer
Z204AC/DC voltage to DC current/voltage converter with ModBUS interface
Z-4DI-2AI-2DO4 CH Digital Input/ 2 CH Analogue Input, 2 CH Digital Output, Modbus RTU
Z-3AO3-CH analog output module / RS485 - ModBUS
Z-4AI4-CH analog input module / RS485 - ModBUS
Z-4AI-D4-CH DC current-voltage A/D converter
Z-4RTD24-CH RTD input module / RS485 - ModBUS
Z-4TC4-CH thermocouple input module / RS485 - ModBUS
Z-4TC-D4-CH thermocouples A/D converter
Z-8AI8-CH analog input module / RS485 - ModBUS
Z-8R-10A8-CH relay board with 250 Vac - 10 A
Z-8TC8-CH thermocouple input module / RS485
Z-AIRRadiomodem with integrated antenna. Outdoor applications, IP65 protection
Z-BRIDGEModBUS TCP-IP - ModBUS RTU Bridge with RS232 interface
Z-BRIDGE2Bridge ModBUS TCP-IP / ModBUS RTU with dual serial port
ZC-107FOFiber optics - CAN repeater converter
ZC-16DI-8DO16 CH digital input - 8 CH digital output CANopen / ModBUS
ZC-24DI24 CH digital input CANopen / ModBUS
ZC-24DO24 CH digital output CANopen / ModBUS
ZC-3AO3 CH analog output (mA, V) CANopen module
ZC-4RTD4 CH RTD (P100, Ni100, Pt500, Pt1000) input CANopen module 
ZC-8AI8 CH analog input (mA, V) CANopen module
ZC-8TC8 CH Thermocouple (J,K,E,N,S,R,B,T) CANopen module
Z-CANBUSCAN Master interface, isolated repeater
ZC-SG1 CH strain gauge CANopen module 
Z-DAQ-PIDI/O universal module with PID regulation, RS485 - Modbus
Z-D-IN5-CH Digital input module / RS485 - ModBUS
Z-D-IO8-CH, 6 digital input - 2 digital outputs control module
Z-D-OUT5-CH Digital output module / RS485
ZE-2AI2 CH Analogue input Modbus RTU - Modbus TCP-IP module
ZE-2AI-2DO-4DI4 CH Digital Input, 2 CH Analogue Input, 2 CH Digital Output Modbus RTU-Modbus TCP-IP
Z-GATEWAYGateway Modbus RTU ↔ Modbus TCP-IP, dual RS485 port
Z-GPRS2GSM/GPRS datalogger with built-in IOs e telecontrol functions
Z-GW-MBModbus RTU Master to Modbus TCP gateway / server
Z-LINK1869 Mhz Radiomodem with RS232/RS485 interface and Mesh Network Capability
Z-LOGGERDatalogger, alarm module, webserver with built-in I/O
Z-LWS-CMicro PLC - Standard CoDeSys
Z-LWS-IMicro PLC - Standard Isagraf
Z-miniRTUGSM/GPRS telecontrol unit with intergrated IO, Straton version
Z-miniTWS100 Mhz multi-function CPU, Straton version
Z-MODEMGSM - GPRS Quadband Industrial Modem
Z-NET3Z-PC Line System configurator, web editor included
Z-NET3-IOModbus IO systems configutor
Z-NET3 RTU-0Data manager for telecontrol system, standard version
Z-NET3 RTU-1Data manager for telecontrol system + OCX exportable
Z-NET3 RTU-2Data manager for telecontrol system + OCX exportable + download 5 RTU
Z-NET3 RTU-3Data manager for telecontrol system + OCX exportable+ download  6-10 RTU
Z-NET3 RTU-4Data manager for telecontrol system + OCX exportable+ download > 10 RTU
Z-NET3-IEC870Z-PC Line software system, IEC 870 protocols configurator
Z-PC FOMulti-mode fiber optic cable, ST/ST, L=2 m
Z-PC-DIN1-35DIN rail bus 1 slot 35 mm
Z-PC-DIN2-17.5DIN rail bus system 2 slots 17.5 mm
Z-PC-DIN4-35DIN rail bus system 4 slot 35 mm
Z-PC-DIN8-17.5DIN rail bus system 8 slot 17.5 mm
Z-PC-DINAL1-35DIN rail bus system head terminal + 1 slot 35 mm
Z-PC-DINAL2-17.5DIN rail bus system head terminal + 2 slots 17.5 mm
Z-POWER 115-15VADIN rail 19 Vac transformer, 115 / 15 VA
Z-POWER 230-15VADIN rail 19 Vac transformer, 230 / 15 VA
Z-POWER 230-25VADIN rail 19 Vac transformer, 230 / 25 VA
Z-PROGI/O modules configuration software
Z-RTU-1-CRemote Terminal Unit, Full I/O, standard CoDeSys
Z-RTU-1-C-GSMRemote Terminal Unit, Full I/O, standard CoDeSys + GSM/ GPRS
Z-RTU-1-C-PSTNRemote Terminal Unit, Full I/O, standard CoDeSys + PSTN
Z-RTU-1-IRemote Terminal Unit, Full I/O, standard Isagraf
Z-RTU-1-I-GSMRemote Terminal Unit, Full I/O, standard Isagraf + GSM/ GPRS
Z-RTU-1-I-PSTNRemote Terminal Unit, Full I/O, standard Isagraf + PSTN
Z-RTU-2-CRemote Terminal Unit, Half I/O, standard CoDeSys
Z-RTU-2-C-GSMRemote Terminal Unit, Half I/O, standard CoDeSys + GSM/ GPRS
Z-RTU-2-C-PSTNRemote Terminal Unit, Half I/O, standard CoDeSys + PSTN
Z-RTU-2-IRemote Terminal Unit, Half I/O, standard Isagraf
Z-RTU-2-I-GSMRemote Terminal Unit, Half I/O, standard Isagraf + GSM/ GPRS
Z-RTU-2-I-PSTNRemote Terminal Unit, Half I/O, standard Isagraf + PSTN
Z-SETUPZ109REG programming software
Z-SGStrain gauge to DC isolator / converter Modbus
Z-SUPPLYSingle-phase switching power supply 24V @ 1.5A
Z-TIMER-DElectronic timer with 2 independent time
ZTOP04C4,3" widescreen color touchscreen HMI terminal
ZTOP3065,7" TFT touchscreen HMI terminal
ZTOPKITZTOP Programming toolkit
Z-TWS3-CWeb server unit / PLC / RTU - Standard CoDeSys
Z-TWS3-IWeb server unit / PLC / RTU - Standard Isagraf
Z-TWS4Energy Management Control unit (PLC, Web Server, Gateway) - Linux based
Z-TWS4-ODEZ-TWS4 Linux based open source development environment
Z-TWS4-SEnergy Management Control unit  (PLC, Web Server, Gateway) - workbench Straton
Z-TWS64-CWeb server  unit / PLC / RTU 64 bit - Standard CoDeSys
Z-TWS64-IWeb server unit / PLC / RTU 64 bit - Standard Isagraf

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